Fortaleza, Brazil

The Rádio Observatório Espacial do Nordeste, ROEN, located at National Institute for Space Research (INPE) facilities in Eusébio, nearly 30 km east of Fortaleza, Ceara ́ State, Brazil, began operations in 1993. Geodetic VLBI and GPS observations are carried out regularly, as contributions to international programs and networks. ROEN is currently coordinated by CRAAM, Center of Radio Astronomy and Astrophysics, Engineering School, Mackenzie Presbyterian University, São Paulo, in agreement with the INPE. The activities are currently carried out under an Agreement of Cooperation between NASA and the Brazilian Space Agency, AEB.
The ROEN 14.2 meter radio telescope is operated at S- and X-bands, using cryogenic radiometers, and is controlled by the Field System. Observations are recorded with a Mark 5A system and transmitted through a high-speed network to the VLBI correlators.
GPS monitoring is performed using a Leica System 1200 installed at the station that operates continuously.